The easiest way of killing the assassins is to Blink behind them, or avoiding them altogether.

In a press release about Dishonored's second Add On (or Expansion) pack, we learn that Daud's band of assassins are called " The Whalers" after the masks they wear to hide their identities Assassins favor crossbows for ranged weapons bolt pouches are generally carried by individual assassins. They can be sniped, choked, or stunned like living humans. Surprise against Assassins is crucial in dealing with them. The latter is an Outsider power where they hold a target immobile and draw him towards them to be attacked up close. These enemies possess the Outsider powers of Traversal and Tethering. Assassins " (A.K.A Whalers) wore oil worker masks - one which is taken by Corvo soon after his escape from prison - who follow a man named Daud.